Once upon a time there was a cat so consumed with curiosity about all things wriggly that she wanted to share a wriggly lizard she had just found. So she brought it into a person's home. The person's daughter thought that was très cool. The cat thought the person's daughter was a bit loud, and she took the wriggly lizard back outside. At this moment the wriggly lizard - having outlasted tectonic upheaval, the bubonic plague, and disco music - decided it was not going to succumb to the nefarious machinations of suburban sprawl by becoming cat chow, and did what any self-respecting lizard would do: it lost its tail. This of course distracted the cat who, as we know, was easily distracted by wriggly things. At this point the lizard nonchalantly exited stage right, amid leaves and twigs. The end.